A vital step to conserve Energy is to Conducts an Energy audit of your Plant. It can help you:-
1. It’s Comply with Government regulation:-
The Energy Conservation Act 2001 has identified industry sectors and commercial buildings as designated consumers. A Comprehensive Energy audit will help:-
· Maintaining energy consumption within standard norms
· Maintaining and reporting accurate energy usage patterns
2. Identify areas of improvement which can result in:-
· Reduce energy Cost.
· Recover your investment quickly
· Achieve better maintenance and lower downtime
· Get better quality and enhanced production rate
· Reduce emission levels and help the environment.
KANAK ENERGY is an organization that focuses on the key development challenges that face Green World. Our mission is to "determine ways to reduce energy consumption per unit of product output or lower operating cost." It works in three principal program areas: Energy and Environment (E&E), Natural Resources Management (NRM), and Climate Change (CLC).
Electricity is a great friend and the worst enemy. Electricity plays a vital role in our day to day life, style and economy of the nation. Thus wider use of electricity demands greater levels of safety. We take up energy audits and related projects in the industrial, commercial, residential, municipal, and agricultural sectors. Our team is made of highly experienced, competent, and skilled professionals drawn from electronics, electrical and mechanical engineering disciplines and capable of carrying out audits in energy-intensive industries. Supported by the necessary infrastructure and equipment, such as handheld/portable instruments for on-site electrical energy monitoring, electrical energy analysis software, and an exhaustive databank, the team is well-equipped to conduct energy audits, and even tailor them to meet specific needs and objectives of an organization.
Our scope of energy audits includes all major energy consuming equipment such as boilers, induction/resistance heating furnaces, dryers, DG sets, air compressors, pumps, blowers/fans, refrigeration and air-conditioning, cooling towers, motors, load and demand management, transformers, power factor analysis, harmonic analysis, and energy management information systems (EMIS).
Energy Audit" is an effective control device for supervision and guidance of energy utilization. Conservation of energy means to save energy and avoid waste i.e., a more rational and scientific use of energy in order to reduce its amount to accomplish a given task. Energy Conservation is the need of the hour. It strengthens a Nation, and also industries and individuals.
In the changing industrial scenario, Energy Conservation Movement is picking-up, setting every plant its own norms keeping in comparison with identical plants. The Energy Conservation is a never-ending process, and may be continued for bringing down the Specific Power Consumption (SPC) levels lower and lower using the WILL POWER
We are in the business of ENERGY CONSERVATION. We have enabled many leading Industrial Units to achieve reduction in their Energy-Cost. We have provided our expertise services to several leading Industrial Houses and also to several Institution and Companies.
We have a team of dedicated and qualified engineers we have designed and commissioned of M.V/L.V electrical & industrial automation based system for various types of projects in Electrical Energy Infrastructure, Pharmaceuticals, Metallurgy, Process Industries, Hotels, Cement Plants, Printing Press, Food Processing, and Big Temples etc.
The audit of energy consumption is a specialized process. It takes thorough knowledge and expertise in multiple fields to estimate design, commission and performance monitor projects for energy conservation. And our energy saving efforts does not end there. We have an expert team of Mechanical, Chemical and Instrumentation Engineers who not only conduct the audit survey but also train end users in key energy oriented functional areas such that energy is utilized most efficiently. Efforts are targeted to reflect savings of fuel and electricity in the actual energy bill. The systems we provide live up to standards of operation accepted worldwide and our training programmers are intended to help our clients to improve the quality of operations such that wastages are almost totally eliminated.
Our Experience shows that even in the most professionally - Managed Companies it is possible to Save up to 50 % Energy - Cost.
Cost reduction is the need of the hour, for each and every Industry, to meet the increasing global competition. Energy cost – on account of Electricity, Fuel, Coal, Gas, Steam or even Captive Generation- is an area where very effective & quick results can be achieved. It has been very well established that up to 50% of the Energy Cost can be saved, even in very well managed Industrial Units. Realizations of Energy Saving will depend upon correct identification and the successful implementation of various Proposals for Energy Saving.
we always ensure that each recommendation is:-
On most practical lines to ensure smooth implementation.
On sound economical consideration.
We have latest generation instruments to carryout energy Audit.
We make dedicated efforts to achieve broad acceptance for various recommendations.
We enable management team to develop ACTION PLAN for IMPLEMENTATION.
Encouraged by Our Customers and also to enable various Industries to further cut their energy cost; (to improve their profitability), we provide following services to you.
Detailed Energy Audit - for Energy Saving.
Follow up / trouble shooting / Monitoring services.
Detailed Project Report and arrangement of finance for Capital Intensive Projects for Energy Saving.
Implementation of Energy Saving Projects - based upon % of saving achieved.
Training Programme for Staff and Operators.
Reduction in Maintenance Cost.
Our Audit Report includes recommendations on short, medium and long-term measures for energy conservation along with financial estimates and analysis for their implementation. These recommendations come to you with databases and fact-sheets generated by measurements and tests conducted in your plant as well as in the field. This is followed up by assistance in implementation and performance monitoring of our energy conservation proposals – achieved by expert services of our in-house engineers and the training of the use