"Fully Automatic" , user can set target power factor from 0.85 lag to 0.95 lead in steps of 0.01 , which results in reducing KVA demand proportionately depending upon site conditions.
Suitable for 415/440 V A.C, 50 Hz.
Improves power factor and saves enegry.
Locking facility provided to the display controller, enabling access to authorized person only.
Low losses Heavy Duty Capacitor used are self-healing type having Over Pressure Safety interrupter mechanism. This prevents bursting, bulging and explosion of capacitors, The capacitors are manufactured in our ultra modern factory.
You can also get a rebate of 1% of the energy bill by every 1% improvement of power factor above 0.95. Only' ours panel can be achieve power factor correction up to 0.99/1.0.
It display various selectable / programmable Electrical parameters like voltage, input current, Capacitive current, KVA demand , KW , Power Factor, Harmonics etc.